Status of the Website
Current Release Version: V. 7.8.7
Next Down Time Expected: Nothing planned.
Number of Castings: 2773
Number of Variations: 39317
There are Several Projects Going On
Going forward, there are many plans for things to add, but they require time, which
is in short supply. We'll do them when we can.
The Category Project
There are categories associated with each variation. I am currently working on populating this, and
building out the supporting machinery for this field. Plus, there are many newer categories that
need to be added. In the most recent version much progress has been made with this but I'm still
working on it.
The Catalog Project
The catalog is incomplete, even for the mainline 3-inch models. I am trying to get this
updated and newer variations inserted. I also want to be able to allow download of
variation lists in JSON and CSV formats, and have multiple pictures of variations.
Also, many external links are currently broken.
The Lineup Project
There are several flaws with the current yearly lineups. These fixes need to happen, among others:
- fix Japan and Australia listings
- add Germany listings
- build out transitional models in 1969/1970
- add Challenger/Viper no. 1 transition around 1996, and similar transitions
- add previous year / next year buttons
The Convoy Project
This is an import and update of John Baum's Convoy Project website. It is complete as it sits,
but will need to be completely redone when I can add the trailers to the castings database.
Then the Convoys themselves will be added as a new kind of multi-packs.
The Collectibles Project
This should be a new division of the website, much like the Convoy Project. I don't have a clear idea
of what it will look like.
The Skybusters Project
Another unbegun division of the website. Perhaps to be based off of Alexander Veitch's work, if he will
give me permission to use it.
The Originals Project
Several years ago, a user named Marcel wrote an excellent history of Matchbox Originials.
He sent me a copy of it but so far I haven't gotten to integrating it. I really need to.
The Ephemera Project
Advertisements, catalogs, posters, packaging -- all forms of printed items made by
Matchbox is of interest to collectors. I'd like to add more of these to the
The Credits Project
This is mostly done, I just need to add credits where they are known but
not currently in the database.
The Restoration/Customization Project
There is a lot of information around on how to customize and restore diecast. I'd like to add a curated customization how-to
section to the website to gather this information.
The Factories Project
You can now display lists of models by where they were manufactured. Unfortunately,
a lot of variations are still missing this information. I'd like to complete these lists.
The Reader's Guide Project
To help with researching information for this site, it sure would help to have an
index of articles from the various newsletters that were published over the years.
The Programming Project
Much still needs to be done in the realm of the programming that supports this site.
Some of this includes:
- Add an API
- Create a mobile-frendly site
- Redesign the database schema
- Document the BAMCA library
So, still one or two things to do...
Want to Help?
There is a lot of work still to be done on the site.
Contact me by using the "COMMENT ON THIS PAGE" button, or by sending an email to, and I'll respond soon.